Sunday, July 4, 2010

English phrasal Verbs using "out"

There are many phrasal verbs in English that use 'out'. Here is a small selection of some of the more common ones.

back out = decide not to do something you first intended to do: "We can't back out of the holiday now – we've already paid for it!"

break out = escape: "The prisoners managed to break out."

bring out = make more noticeable: "The lemon brings out the taste of the strawberries."

check out (1) = look at: "You've got to check out this new website – it's really useful."

check out (2) = investigate: "The police are checking out his story."

cut out = eliminate: "He's cut out all the fat from his diet and he's a lot slimmer."

eat out = eat in a restaurant: "Do you fancy eating out tonight?"

hand out = distribute: "The teacher handed out the English books to the students."

fill out = complete a form: "You need to fill out all the sections on this form."

make out = see well: "I can't make out the name on this envelope. Is it Jones or James?"

pass out = faint: "It was so hot in the room that she passed out."

put out = inconvenience someone: "Thanks for your offer of letting us stay. Are you sure that we won't be putting you out?"

stand out = be easily distinguishable: "With the way he dresses, he always manages to stand out!"

take out = withdraw money: "I've taken out a lot of money from my account recently."

work out (1) = calculate: "We've worked out our profit margin."

work out (2) = get better: "Everything worked out well in the end."

work out (3) = understand: "I really can't work it out. Why did she leave such a well-paid job?"

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