Friday, November 20, 2009


Ingredients600 g flour
2 egg yolks
3 g yeast
a pinch of salt
2 rounded tablespoons of sugar
2 tablespoons oil
milk as required – about 500 ml
For the filling:

In small bowl, dissolve yeast in slightly warm milk with 1 teaspoon of the sugar. Let stand 5-8 minutes.
Combine the flour, remaining sugar and salt.
Add the yeast mixture, oil and egg yolks.
Mix together lightly and knead it until smooth.
Cover with a cloth and leave to rise.
When it has risen put it on the table and roll it out.
Spread some butter on the dough and sprinkle with sugar and instant cocoa powder.
Roll the dough with the filling inside so that you get a long roll, then cut in to slices.
Put the slices on to a well-greased baking tin, leave it to rise again for about 15 minutes, then bake the snails in preheated 200 degree oven for about 15-20 minutes until snails get a nice golden brown colour.

The pastry is ready!!! Hurray!! Yummy! Enjoy!

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